Waiver & Acceptance
Our attorneys require us to obtain the following release prior to allowing you to participate in Smash N Bash, LLC activities. You can complete a waiver if you are an adult here. If you are an adult accompanying a minor; you may complete the minor’s waiver here. The attorneys have told us that if we don’t get one of these completed by each participant; those people cannot participate in our activities. They also have stated that minors may not be in our facility without a parent or legal guardian. They have stressed that a sibling or significant other (unless married) are not acceptable substitutes to a parent or legal guardian. Man, these attorneys are sticklers!
Public Health & Safety Policy
Masks are optional within our facility. We sanitize suits and equipment after each use to the best of our abilities. We cannot eliminate 100% of all health risks. It is your responsibility to assess the risks and determine your own comfort level of health safety.